Nikzon Reviews - Warning! Read This About Nikzon First Before Buying!
Posted on 12 November 2017 by Maryanne Johnson
Page score: 2 / 5
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Nikzon Hemorrhoid Cream Review - Does Nikzon Work? There are so many hemorrhoid creams all promising you relief, but which of them really work for hemorrhoids and which of them are duds?
Today we will be taking a closer look at Nikzon hemorrhoid cream and providing an in depth review of Nikzon’s ingredients, cost, and customer reviews.
Nikzon Ingredients, Will They Help For Hemorrhoids?
Table of Contents [hide]
- 1. Nikzon Ingredients, Will They Help For Hemorrhoids?
- 2. What Does Pramoxine HCL Do For My Hemorrhoids?
- 3. Does Nikzon Really Work For Hemorrhoids?
- 4. Nikzon Review Score On Amazon
- 5. Where Can I Buy Nikzon?
- 6. How Can I Use Nikzon?
- 7. Should I Also Use A Hemorrhoid Wipe And Hemorrhoid Supplement?
- 8. How Does Nikzon Compare To Other Hemorrhoid Medicines?
“Vaso" means vessel and “constrictor" means to constrict or squeeze. The fact of the matter is a hemorrhoid is a swollen vessel. The vessel itself is enlarged.
For this reason Nikzon, Preparation H and other hemorrhoid creams have included different types of vasoconstrictors.
This is also the reason why Tucks Pads and hemorrhoid supplements like HemRid contain astringents, like witch hazel for hemorrhoids.
Astringents are compounds which act similarly to vasoconstricors. Astringents constrict tissue, including vessels.
What Does Pramoxine HCL Do For My Hemorrhoids?
Pramoxine HCL is works wonders for hemorrhoid pain. If one of your main issues with your hemorrhoids is pain, then a product with Pramoxine HCL is the way to go.
Pramoxine HCL like many other topical anesthetics works by block the nerve transmissions of pain to the brain (2).
Nikzon Youtube Video Review
This medicine will for many people produce a temporary numbing effect on the area in which it is applied.
For a look at other hemorrhoid creams with an active pain relieving ingredient, check out our review of Anusol vs Preparation H Cream and Tronolane.
For our hemorrhoid cream Top Pick, click here.
Our full hemorrhoid treatment guide can help you learn about the best treatment options for hemorrhoids.
Does Nikzon Really Work For Hemorrhoids?
Yes. The two ingredients in Nikzon, Phenylephrine HCL and Pramoxine HCL are both effective ingredients backed with research to support their use for hemorrhoids.
Nikzon is an OTC hemorrhoid medicine. It can also be used for both external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids. However, we do not suggest using it on a prolapsed hemorrhoid unless a medical professional says to do so.
It should be okay to use on a thrombosed hemorrhoid.
While some hemorrhoid creams include anesthetic pain relieving ingredients only, Nikzon also offer the vasoconstrictor which can anatomically effect the size of your hemorrhoids.
This can help provide real hemorrhoid relief.
Nikzon’s ingredients are really a dual action formula because the Pramoxine HCL is the anesthetic and the Phenylephrine HCL is the vasoconstrictor or hemorrhoid shrinker.
In our opinion this is a great pairing.
Nikzon Review Score On Amazon
Is Nikzon’s Review score good? Yes. On Amazon Nikzon is rated a 3.4 stars out of 5. We interpret this to mean that the majority of Nikzon reviews indicated that people were satisfied with the hemorrhoid product.
This is not surprising given the wonderful Nikzon ingredient formulation.
Does Nikzon work? Based the Amazon reviews we certainly think it does.
Where Can I Buy Nikzon?
Nikzon can be purchased at Walmart, Walgreens and Amazon. It is cheapest on Amazon. Nikzon can be purchased on Amazon for as little as $5.98 per .9 ounce tube.
You can also purchase Nikzon at Walmart for the same exact price online. Nikzon is most expensive at Walgreens which charges $7.49 for the same .9 ounce tube.
You can not buy Nikzon at CVS since they do not offer it for sale. With Amazon’s excellent return policy it is always best to buy there.
How Can I Use Nikzon?
For adults, when practical, cleanse the affected area with mild soap and warm water before rinsing off. After this, apply externally on the area with a thin layer about three to four times daily.
Remember that Nikzon cannot be used as a suppository. In other words, you must never put this product into the rectum, whether with your fingers or any mechanical application.
Wrong application of this drug leads to the exact opposite of its primary purpose, which is to relieve itching, burning, and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, anorectal disorders, and inflamed hemorrhoidal tissues.
Should I Also Use A Hemorrhoid Wipe And Hemorrhoid Supplement?
Nikzon is a cream. Meaning it will not clean you. For cleaning or to help stop hemorrhoid itching and burning, in addition to your cream, using a hemorrhoid wipe like Tucks Pads and a hemorrhoid supplement like HemRid, both which are packed with astringents (tissue shrinkers) to ensure you get relief from your hemorrhoids.
How Does Nikzon Compare To Other Hemorrhoid Medicines?
Nikzon is a good hemorrhoid cream with proven ingredients. With a 3.4 star rating on Amazon you are likely to get relief.
However, we have reviewed other hemorrhoid creams with far better star ratings.