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Hem-Control v. Avatrol Monthly - Discover Which is Better For Hemorrhoids Hem Control or Avatrol

Posted on 20 October 2017 by

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This post matches up Hem-Control vs Avatrol Monthly! Hemorrhoid supplements are the new best thing for hemorrhoid sufferers. Whether taken alone or in conjunction with wipes, creams or ointments, They have gained substantial credibility as a fantastic and natural way to take care of your hemorrhoids.

With some of the same ingredients found in wipes and creams, hemorrhoid supplements are a brilliant way to tackle the problem from the inside out. We will discuss two different hemorrhoid supplements today, Naticura’s Hem-Control and Western Herbal’s Avatrol Monthly. 

Both of these products are comprised of natural supplements aimed at getting rid of your hemorrhoids. These products, Naticura Hem-Control and Avatrol Monthly have been specifically designed and formulated to help you with your hemorrhoids.

As you will see, while both products share some of the same ingredients, these two hemorrhoid supplements are very different resulting in different customer satisfaction ratings. At the outset, we will discuss the differences and similarities of the ingredients of each hemorrhoid treatment.

Hem-Control v Avatrol Monthly Ingredient Similarities

First, the similarities, they both contain the following ingredients: Horse Chestnut, Bilberry, Butchers Broom, Red Root, Cayenne Pepper, Plantain, Mullein and Oat Straw.  While they both contain these ingredients, they do not contain them in the same amount. For instance, Horse Chestnut is 225mg in Hem-Control and only 82mg in Avatrol Monthly. Is that big deal? We believe it is and will explain why.

Horse Chestnut is a very common ingredient found in these natural hemorrhoid treatment products. But remember, like anything, your body needs a certain amount of something to have an effect on your hemorrhoids. Hem-Control has almost three times more Horse Chestnut than Avatrol Monthly, giving you are a greater chance of experiencing hemorrhoid relief. The amount of 225mg is closer to the amount used in research which has shown Horse Chestnut to be effective.

Hem-Control v Avatrol Monthly Ingredient Differences

Witch Hazel, which is commonly found in hemorrhoid wipes, such as Tucks hemorrhoid wipes or Preparation-H hemorrhoid wipes, is found in Hem-Control but not in Avatrol Monthly. Most of the Hemorrhoid Supplements that we have reviewed contain Witch Hazel.

In other words, Witch Hazel is commonly found in herbal hemorrhoid treatment supplements. Why? It is pretty obvious to herbologists and doctors. Witch Hazel is known to be an astringent. An astringent is something that causes the constriction of tissue. As we all know a hemorrhoid is a swollen blood vessel which may or may not be protruding from the anus(when it protrudes it is “external”). What better to help your swollen blood vessel than something that is known to shrink or constrict that tissue. The reason these natural hemorrhoid supplements are great is that they provide another point of attack against your hemorrhoid, this time from the inside. Hem-Control, HemRid and other leading brands all have this very important and effective ingredient in them.

Avatrol Monthly v. Hem-Control, What Hemorrhoid Supplement Works Best?

Using Amazon as a reference, Avatrol Monthly has an overall star rating of 3.9 stars with 106 reviews, while Hem-Control currently has an Amazon star rating of 4.0 stars with 127 reviews.

As far as reviews are concerned they are pretty even, with Hem-Control with a slight edge. So what is the cost of each?

Hem-Control v Avatrol Cost Comparison

One bottle of Hem-Control is sold on Amazon for $24.88. Whereas, one bottle of Avatrol Monthly is sold on Amazon for nearly twice as much, $45.95. But that’s not the whole story on cost. Surprisingly, Avatrol Monthly has 30 servings per bottle, while Hem-Control has 60 servings per bottle. That means that Hem-Control has twice the amount of serving at almost half the cost as Avatrol. Which one is our pick?

Avatrol Monthly v. Hem-Control Hemorrhoid Treatment, And The Winner Is………….

While you cant go wrong with either, Hem-Control is our winner. It has a higher review score on Amazon, contains a lot of both Witch Hazel and Horse Chestnut, and has a better value, both costing less and giving you more servings per bottle. Avatrol is also a strong product with a near 4 star Amazon review score.

Avatrol has been around a long time and its maker Progressive Health is a well known and established producer of great herbal supplements. Naticura the maker of Hem-Control has also been around some time but appears to be much smaller offering just a couple products.There are many choices out there for Hemorrhoid Supplements, (click here to see more)

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