Senvie Skin Care

Is Zinc Oxide for Hemorrhoids a Scam? The Full Zinc Oxide Hemorrhoid Guide

Posted on 16 July 2018 by

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Does Zinc Oxide really work for hemorrhoidsZinc oxide takes shape as a white powder, insoluble in water, and commonly utilized in numerous products and industrial uses.  Ranging from its application in paints, ointments, foods, rubbers, plastics, glass, and ceramic, zinc oxide has placed itself as an all-purpose ingredient.

You might not have heard of zinc oxide, but humans have used this inorganic compound for centuries, since ancient eras. 

Most commonly, zinc oxide was a crucial element in treating open wounds and skin conditions. It is also an excellent balm for face, lips, and tongue discomfort, and any related medical condition.

One great natural alternative to using Zinc Oxide on your hemorrhoids, is HemRid.

HemRid Max, the latest hemorrhoid supplement from the HemRid line of hemorrhoid relieving products, can be purchased on Amazon for just over $23.

zinc oxide plus hemrid max for hemorrhoids

Also, you may want to try pairing both products together. Just make sure to consult your doctor to make sure they are both right for you.

Suppose you've already combined your medicines without the doctor's approval. It's necessary to report side effects at the first sign of their presence. Do not apply the medicine if there are any signs that it may harm you. So you know, possible side-effects include rectal bleeding. 

Diaper rash, skin-calming ointment, shampoos, and antiseptic salves, are issues in which zinc oxide has been used as an applicable medication. 

Its use for hemorrhoids stems from this, as hemorrhoids are inflamed veins and clusters of swollen blood vessels in the anal-rectal area. 

Hemorrhoids are found to be one of the most common anal-rectal disorders, and this is not just a recent development. 

Since ancient times, hemorrhoids have affected human beings with frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms, like itching, severe pain, burning, bleeding, irritation, infection, and more.

In concern with hemorrhoid disease, zinc oxide is a frequently employed method of treatment.  Zinc oxide can be found in hemorrhoid creams, ointments and suppositories. These products aim to target hemorrhoid pain relief and the alleviation of hemorrhoid symptoms.

Is Zinc Oxide Good for Hemorrhoids? 

Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable yet incredibly common disease, plaguing at least half of adults nearing the age of 50 and older.  Many OTC hemorrhoid medicines have little to no effect in treating hemorrhoids and their inhibiting symptoms.

Zinc oxide has been closely followed by the scientific community pertaining to its effectiveness in specific skin disorders and in its ability to serve as a skin protectant.

With data to support zinc oxide as an ingredient purposefully targeting hemorrhoid symptoms, there seems to be little indication of adverse risks of using products with this nonorganic compound. 

When applied to the skin, zinc oxide acts as a protective barrier, especially against UV radiation, which is a nod towards its frequent usage in sunscreens.  Its barrier effects make zinc oxide extremely beneficial in quickly healing the skin, calming inflammation and irritations.

Hemorrhoids are precisely that—an inflammation of the skin and an irritation of the skin.  These clusters of swollen, throbbing blood vessels reflect unwanted pressure and stress placed upon anal-rectal veins.

Zinc oxide, in suppository form or as a topical ointment, can ease the swelling and other known hemorrhoid symptoms of hemorrhoids.  This compound is one of the few proven effective over the counter methods of treating and alleviating hemorrhoids. 

Is Zinc Oxide Safe to use for Hemorrhoids?

Zinc oxide has a long history of use in direct skin applications.  It is a necessary element in many ointments, skin creams, and salves, and is mostly recognized in its role as an essential element in sunscreen because of its ability to defend the skin against UV radiation. 

In this day and age, zinc oxide still is widely utilized in medicinal products.  Sun lotion, anti-dandruff shampoos, skin-protecting ointments, and even in athletic tape, zinc oxide is a staple element in many of these products and purposes.

This compound is deemed as generally safe with a small percentage of people having an allergic reaction to it.  The Food and Drug Administration has approved numerous products that use zinc oxide in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Zinc oxide can be used safely in the form of a suppository, meaning a direct insertion of the medicine into the rectum, or as a topical cream, applied to external hemorrhoids on or around the anus. Remember to wash your hands before this insertion and to settle for a comfortable spot where you can lie for at least 15 minutes after the procedure. 

Before using an over the counter medication for your hemorrhoids, you should consult with your doctor to ensure that the symptoms you are experiencing align with hemorrhoid disease.  

Research suggests that half of the patients seeking medical treatment for hemorrhoids do not, in fact, have hemorrhoids.  Patients may have another disorder, like an anal fissure, abrasion, anal-rectal skin irritation, or a skin tag.

Meeting with your doctor and describing your symptoms, and having a possible digital or visual examination performed can provide you with a conclusive answer as well as an effective treatment plan. 

If you do have hemorrhoids confirmed by your doctor, he or she may recommend a cream or suppository with zinc oxide as a primary ingredient, along with a hemorrhoid fiber supplement, or a fiber gummy.  A culmination of different approaches for hemorrhoids such as these can offer a preventative course of action while providing immediate relief of symptoms. 

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Missing just one dose of zinc oxide won't hurt your chances against hemorrhoids. However, when you do, it's recommended that you skip the missed dose so you continue usage as it should be. 

Using Zinc Oxide Ointment for Hemorrhoids

Often used to quickly heal diaper rashes, irritated skin, and other skin disorders, it is no wonder that zinc oxide in its ointment form offers fast-acting relief for those suffering from hemorrhoids.

Ointments are a commonly utilized treatment for relieving hemorrhoid symptoms right away.  Some are ineffective, cheap, and poorly manufactured.  Alternatively, zinc oxide offers hemorrhoids a soothing barrier that actively works to ease swelling and inflammation.

If you are suffering from painful, swollen hemorrhoids, make it a point to discuss zinc oxide ointments as a means of treating them with your doctor.  Zinc oxide has numerous studies to back its use as a direct skin applicant for hemorrhoid treatment.

Does Zinc Oxide Shrink Hemorrhoids?

Your doctor may want you to use a zinc oxide ointment among other treatment approaches, such as a complementary fiber supplement, a change to a more fibrous diet, or a stool softener.

Additionally, depending on other factors and circumstances like age, weight, lifestyle, or genetics, your doctor may want to conduct further examinations to confirm the symptoms are sourced from hemorrhoids and not another unrelated gastrointestinal disorder. 

If you choose to use an over the counter ointment with zinc oxide as a primary ingredient in the formula, then be sure to read the labeling instructions and follow the suggested use.  Test the zinc oxide ointment in an inconspicuous area first to avoid further inflammation in the sensitive anorectal area. 

How to Use Zinc Oxide for Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are as its name suggests—formed inside the rectum.  This sounds painful, but the only visible symptom that is procured from having internal hemorrhoids is that of painless bleeding.  You may spot bright red blood covering your stools or when you go to wipe after a bowel movement.

Getting rid of internal hemorrhoids proves to be tricky, as you cannot apply topical creams or use witch hazel wipes to encourage shrinkage in an internal hemorrhoid.  Zinc oxide is still a viable option in treating internal hemorrhoids, just in its suppository form.

Whichever zinc oxide suppository you choose, it is best to remember to read the instructions on the product's packaging carefully.  Suppositories that are too soft to insert into the rectum should be refrigerated for a period before application.  Avoid handling the suppository for more than the necessary amount of time, as the suppository is designed to melt at body temperature to work.

Before using the zinc oxide suppository, you should ensure that your anal area has been cleaned and patted dry.  Your product's instructions should inform you of how many suppositories can be used throughout the day.

Of course, like any other medication, you should ask your doctor if a suppository is right for you.  Suppositories excel at targeting inflammation and reducing swollen hemorrhoids, but depending on your unique situation, your doctor may opt for an alternative approach. 

The unanimous expectation among medical practitioners is that your symptoms should improve within 7 days. If your symptoms do not improve following concurrent usage for one or two weeks, contact your doctor.

How to Use Zinc Oxide for External Hemorrhoids 

Research indicates that zinc oxide effectively heals and alleviates hemorrhoid symptoms immediately following direct skin application.  This is why many products employ the use of zinc oxide in their formulas for optimal relief of symptoms.

External hemorrhoids are the type of hemorrhoids in which creams and ointments can be directly applied.  These small, hard bumps form on the anus and around it, making movement uncomfortable, as well as sitting and standing for a period.

Numerous products utilize zinc oxide and can be found in creams, lotions, ointments, and balms. 

A few popular zinc oxide hemorrhoid creams with fast-working relief are:

  • Walgreens Zinc Oxide Ointment
  • Fougera Zinc Oxide Ointment
  • Tronolane Hemorrhoid Cream
  • Calmoseptine Ointment
  • Remedy Calazime Skin Protectant Paste with Zinc Oxide
  • Lantiseptic Skin Ointment External Analgesic Skin Protectant

Try pairing one of these products with Amazon's #1 ranked hemorrhoid pills, called HemRid Max.

zinc oxide and hemrid max for relief

Our #1 hemorrhoid product targets hemorrhoids quickly, so that you can get back to living a comfortable, pain free life.

However, before this combination, it's advisable to consult your doctor or pharmacist. Why? Drug interactions can have negative side effects if the mixture is incompatible with your body system.

As always, you should follow the instructions for application as indicated by the packaging material.  Try your best to cleanse your anal area before applying zinc oxide creams, ointments, and lotions.

Essential Safety Tips for Using Zinc Oxide for Hemorrhoids

The most important recommendation when using Zinc Oxide is to prevent it from getting into your lips, tongue, or throat. In other words, it is a topical medicine, meaning that you can only use it through the skin. 

If you overdose, you don't have to panic. Simply contact the FDA at 1-800-fda-1088 for emergency medical care.


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