Senvie Skin Care

Does Alcohol Cause Hemorrhoids? Alcohol and Hemorrhoids Myths Debunked

Posted on 25 April 2018 by

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Alcohol and hemorrhoids have a fraught, complicated relationship.

As you most likely are already aware, drinking alcohol in excess has negative consequences, not only on our physical health and bodies but also on our emotional well-being and our relationships with others.

For heavy drinkers and moderate drinkers alike, there is a chance that alcohol plays a role in your hemorrhoids and symptoms.

Moderate to light drinkers will likely see the symptoms of hemorrhoids due to the alcohol's dehydration effect on the body.

Lack of water and fluids result in constipation because the stools do not soften from the proper fluid intake.

Instead, the stools are hard, and this can cause abrasiveness between the delicate lining of the inner rectal region, tearing and resulting in inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

For those who indulge in excess drinking, there is a higher risk of causing hemorrhoids.

A lifestyle of heavy drinking can increase the blood pressure to an unsafe state. Higher blood pressure puts additional stress on the veins, including the veins located in your lower rectal area (hemorrhoids).

Stress on the hemorrhoids invites the known symptoms, like bleeding, irritation, pain, and general discomfort when sitting or standing.

How Does Alcohol Make Hemorrhoids Worse?

When you drink alcohol, do you notice that your eyes and mouth become abnormally dry?

This dehydrating effect is common when alcohol is consumed and can be a factor that leads to hemorrhoids.

Many people notice this the next day after drinking a lot of alcohol the night before.

Alcohol consumption blocks the hormone needed for proper water absorption. So, even when you are drinking fluids, the fluids are passing through and not being taken in by your body.

Of course, without fluids, your stools become harder and harder to pass, resulting in constipation.

Constipation requires more straining and effort needed to pass stools, and this causes stress on the veins.

So, in short, yes, drinking alcohol especially in excess can make hemorrhoid symptoms worse.

Doctors recommend at least eight glasses of water, this not only promotes the overall health of your organs and bodily functions but softens stools, making your bowels movements pass naturally.

And with this, you can avoid painful hemorrhoids.

Can Alcohol Cause Hemorrhoid Bleeding?

Alcohol has an indirect relationship with hemorrhoids, and because of this, the answer to this posed question is both yes and no.

While alcohol in excess can perpetrate hemorrhoids and prolong symptoms, it does not do so directly.

Alcohol's dehydrating effect on the body will worsen hemorrhoids and its associated symptoms of pain, discomfort, the inability to sit comfortably or stand for periods of time, and finally, bleeding.

The bleeding may be a result of either type of hemorrhoids, internal or external. External hemorrhoids are painful to the touch and can be made worse with any movement.

Bleeding from external hemorrhoids may be sourced from the occasional blood clot that forms within the pockets beneath the skin inside your external hemorrhoid.

Internal hemorrhoids also give way to bleeding. However, with this type of hemorrhoid, the bleeding is painless.

Alcohol can prolong internal hemorrhoids through dehydration, and therefore the bleeding might not go away until your body regains hydration with beneficial fluids.

Can Alcohol Cause Internal Hemorrhoids?

Research has discovered an active link between alcohol consumption and hemorrhoids, especially internal hemorrhoids.

For internal hemorrhoids, harden stools are often the culprit behind the tears, swelling, and disruption of the inner rectal veins, giving way to inflamed and irritated hemorrhoids, with bleeding to follow.

Again, the dehydrating factor comes into the forefront of the primary cause of internal hemorrhoids.

Soft stools make for more natural, unstrained bowel movements, which is the key to hemorrhoid prevention.

Choosing alcohol over water, especially in an overabundance, can guarantee you difficulty passing stools, and soon after, a hemorrhoid flare-up.

Combined with a poor diet, lack of exercise, and other unhealthy lifestyle choices, it will be challenging to shrink and get rid of hemorrhoids with all of these factors working against you.

Can I Use Alcohol on my Hemorrhoids?

No, do not use alcohol on your hemorrhoids. Using alcohol as a means to treat and alleviate the side effects of hemorrhoids will further induce irritation and pain, magnifying your current symptoms.

Instead, turn to other methods of hemorrhoid treatment.

Alcohol on wounds and sensitive areas is prone to stinging and burning. You will want to avoid applying alcohol to your anal region.

Throbbing, aching, and inflammation are just a few adverse effects that can occur when applying alcohol to your external hemorrhoids.

While you don't have to avoid alcohol altogether, it's a good idea to drink in moderation.

Doctors recommend consuming many foods and beverages in moderation if they are known or considered to be bad for your health or diet.

For hemorrhoid sufferers, simple changes can aid in shrinking hemorrhoids, alleviating symptoms, and preventing flare-ups.

If you plan on continuing to enjoy alcohol, remember to not do so in excess.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to balance out your alcohol consumption with plenty of water.

Keeping hydrated will soften stools, prevent straining during a bowel movement, and allow your hemorrhoids to avoid becoming inflamed and giving way to a hindering flare-up.

Be sure to round your diet out with plenty of fiber, to help guarantee the natural passing of stools and a happy, regular colon.

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