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Vicks Vapor Rub for Hemorrhoids - Is it Dangerous to Use Vicks for Hemorrhoids?

Posted on 26 April 2018 by

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Thinking about using Vicks vapor rub for hemorrhoids...think again! Sufferers of hemorrhoids know that desperate times call for desperate measures.

But Vicks could cause some massive problems for your hemorrhoids. Read on to discover why.

Nearly half of older Americans have or are currently experiencing hemorrhoids, and because of the sheer number of those suffering from this common condition, many home remedies have weaved in and out of popularity and usage.

What is Vicks Vapor Rub Used For?

One treatment, in particular, is using Vicks Vapor Rub on external hemorrhoids. Vicks Vapor Rub is an ointment designed to aid in the relief of coughing and other flu symptoms.

The original use for Vicks Vapor Rub recommends that a thick layer is applied to the chest and throat to alleviate bouts of coughing as well as aches and pains.

While there should be some concern when applying Vicks to such a sensitive area as means for a treatment to relieve hemorrhoid pain and its associated symptoms, it is worth noting that ingredients in Vicks Vapor Rub are considered safe to use for small children as young as two. Despite this, we always recommend you consult your doctor when giving a child any over the counter products.

Additional concern over the strength of the ingredients applied to the anal area in Vicks Vapor Rub should try using Vicks BabyRub, which contains mild ingredients for babies three months and older.

Should I Use Vicks Vapor Rub for Hemorrhoids?

Home remedies are popularly shared and discussed when hemorrhoids are concerned.

Many home remedies have been tested and researched by the experts, such as the use of witch hazel for external hemorrhoids and other superficial skin irritation issues.

Other remedies such as the gentle application of aloe vera to sensitive areas, including the anal area for hemorrhoid pain, has shown positive results in relieving symptoms of discomfort and skin irritation.

Due to lack of evidence and conducted research on the application of Vicks Vapor Rub to hemorrhoids, it is suggested that you use caution if you plan on using this product as a part of a home remedy to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.

Your anal region is a sensitive area, even without the additional pain caused by hemorrhoids, and applying Vicks Vapor Rub may further induce irritation of this sensitive area.

Is Vicks Vapor Rub Safe for Hemorrhoids?

The short answer to this question is not a very straightforward one. Thorough research and scientific studies have not been conducted or are not available in concluding that the application of Vicks Vapor Rub on hemorrhoids is of safe or effective use.

The only data and information corroborated concerning Vicks Vapor Rub and hemorrhoids are sourced from Internet forums and beauty blogs.

Although science has backed ingredients used in Vicks Vapor Rub like eucalyptus oil as an effective means to reduce inflammation, this doesn't mean the formula as a whole is guaranteed to work with your skin.

Although it appears safe for some people, there is a chance Vicks could result in burning. Whether or not Vicks is safe for your skin can only be known through applying it directly to your skin with the potential risk of additional inflammation or adverse skin reaction.

The last thing you want to do is put Vicks on bleeding hemorrhoids.

How to Make a Vicks Salve for Hemorrhoids

If you are planning on using Vicks Vapor Rub on your hemorrhoids, there is no need to mix the ointment with any additional ingredients.

Vicks can be applied directly to the external hemorrhoid by itself with a medium or thick layer. Once again, we do not recommend you do this though.

Other products are better than Vicks.

Feedback from those who have previously used this home remedy recommend that Vicks Vapor Rub not be used on damaged or broken skin.

The strong, medicinal vapors are meant to be absorbed, and the breathed in through the nose and mouth, and if it is used on broken skin, the overpowering strength and cooling sensation could leave you with an intense burning feeling.

Can I Use Vicks for Hemorrhoids While Pregnant?

If you are pregnant with hemorrhoids, using Vicks Vapor Rub is probably an attractive idea for immediate relief of pain and discomfort.

However, pregnant women are always recommended to take extra caution on the medication, ointments, and other products they use, and Vicks Vapor Rub is no exception.

We have found no proof that Vicks Vapor Rub is good for hemorrhoids.

Vicks may seem to be safe for pregnant women to use in the traditional sense, for layering on to relieve coughs, aches, and pains.

Still, you always should consult a doctor about using Vicks when pregnant. We have an excellent guide for hemorrhoid relief so take a peek if that is what you need.

It is tempting to try anything and everything to help alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms.

Hemorrhoids can be painful, uncomfortable, itchy, and prevent you from engaging in many regular activities, so it is no wonder why so many unique and nontraditional home hemorrhoid treatment methods exist.

Conclusion: Should You Use Vicks Vapor Rub for Hemorrhoids?

The bottom line is that unless a particular method of hemorrhoid treatment has been tested and researched, you are treading into an unfamiliar and undocumented territory.

Vicks Vapor Rub may be perfectly safe to use for most people, but the fact of the matter is Vicks is not designed for use on hemorrhoids, so there are no safety measures in place if your skin should have an adverse reaction.

When in doubt, ask your doctor if you should use Vicks Vapor Rub as a treatment option for your hemorrhoids.

Although this ointment may work for some people, it may not work for you and could cause additional hemorrhoid pain or bleeding.

Take precaution especially if you think your skin is broken, extraordinarily dry, or possibly damaged in the anal area.

This area is sensitive already, and with hemorrhoids or damaged skin in the mix, applying Vicks might increase the chances of making things worse.

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