Senvie Skin Care

Mole Removal Scar Guide: The Most Effective Methods of Treatment

Posted on 13 March 2018 by

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There’s nothing worse than finally getting rid of a mole and being left with a scar.  Fortunately, there are removal techniques and creams available to help even out your skin and get rid of your scars. 

It can seem overwhelming at first, given all of the different types that are out there on the market and available for purchase.

Scars on different areas of the body may require different types of creams and remedies.  Mole removal scars that are located on the face might be in need of a gentler treatment method, depending on how sensitive your skin is. 

For scars that remain after mole removal, solutions range from completely natural to chemically enhanced. 

It is important to understand the sensitivity of your skin as well as any potential allergies you may have before attempting any remedy—natural or otherwise. 

As with any other medical issue and treatment process, consult your doctor before use.

Top Treatments for Mole Removal Scars on the Facial Area

For scars that remain after a mole has been removed on the facial area, try a natural remedy to help dissipate the scar.  The skin on your face may be more sensitive to than the rest of your body, so selecting the right cream and treatment method could be trial and error.

Our very own Selevax Scar Cream works great for mole scars. You can see before and after photos showing the power of this cream by clicking here

Of course, there are creams out there that have both natural and chemical ingredients, and it is important to make sure you read the full list of ingredients before use.

Here are some natural ingredients for mole scar removal on the facial area:

  • Aloe Vera: a natural treatment method often sought after by those who have experienced painful sunburns.  Aloe vera is a cooling and healing substance derived from a succulent plant of the same name.  For mole removal scars on the face, aloe vera is an effective but slow method.  The gel will need to be applied continuously and over long periods of time for it to be effective, but is gentle enough to be used on the face.
  • Honey: this sweet smelling product is excellent in healing scars, forcing them to shrink and in some cases, slowly disappear.  Honey is all-natural and rarely irritates the skin, so it can be applied to the sensitive facial area.

Best Ingredients and Products for Mole Removal Scars

For scars that are elsewhere on your body, you may want to try a more potent treatment method that may otherwise be too strong for the facial area.

  • Onion Extract: this natural extract can help prevent your scar from getting bigger.  Onion extract contains properties that aid in regulating collagen and the killing of harmful bacteria.  However, some skin types may be sensitive to onion extract, so it is best to not apply this extract directly to the face and take caution in first applying onion extract if you do not know how your skin will react.
  • Rosehip Seed Oil:  an essential oil that is produced from the distillation of crushed rose petals. The properties of rosehip oil help restore the skin to its original color through the use of its vitamins and fatty acids, therefore assisting in scar removal therapy. These omega fatty acids paired with Vitamin A are great for the skin and have proven hydrating effects.  Rosehip seed oil is often found in cosmetics because it helps reduce redness, discoloration, bumps, scars, and promotes a healthy evenness of the skin.
  • Dimethicone: a heavily debated method of treatment in the disappearance of scars.  Dimethicone is a topical, self-drying silicone gel that can be applied directly to scars. Silicone has a hydration factor that helps the healing process of the skin, allowing for scars to diminish through application.  However, before using creams like Dimethicone, make sure you read all of the label’s instructions before applying.  Silicone can result in serious allergic reactions.  Despite the controversy that surrounds the use of silicone in scar treatment, silicone gels like Dimethicone have a demonstrated success rate.

Selevax by Senvie has both Rose Hip Seed Oil and Dimethicone (silicone scar gel) in its potent mole scar fighting formula. 

Tips to Remember When Treating Mole Removal Scars

As far as the desire to get rid of those pesky scars after mole removal surgery, the best advice is to start with the natural methods first. 

Natural remedies may be considerably less dangerous than attempting to use only silicone products like Dimethicone right off the bat. 

It is harder to tell how your body and skin will react to silicone in comparison to natural products like rosehip seed oil or aloe vera, which typically have little to no reported adverse reactions.

When experimenting with natural remedies, remember that patience is key. Mole removal scars are not going to disappear overnight. 

Scar After Mole Removal, Is Natural the Way to Go?

Natural products like essential oils and extracts can be applied multiple times throughout the day, and are encouraged to be used continually until desired effects have been achieved. 

No matter which method you choose to employ, keep in mind that all types of scars require hydration. 

Keep the scar covered to ensure that it absorbs any topical cream, oils, or other product. 

Test your method on a small area of the skin first and remember to read all the labeling instructions before use.


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