Ocular Rosacea Treatment Guide - Diet, Creams, Medicines and more
Posted on 18 March 2018 by Maryanne Johnson
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What is Ocular Rosacea?
Ocular rosacea is the inflammation of the eyes, resulting in redness and itching.
While many people are familiar with facial rosacea, a chronic skin condition that causes the skin to appear flushed, the presence of ocular rosacea may be the first indication that a person may develop facial rosacea later.
Ocular rosacea is common for adults between the ages of 30-50. In general, rosacea can affect people hailing from a variety of racial backgrounds, but those most prone to rosacea are of Celtic descent.
Studies have indicated that 58%-72% of patients already suffering from rosacea develop ocular rosacea.
Ocular Rosacea Symptoms
Symptoms of ocular rosacea can be painful and frustrating. A flare-up can enact several symptoms at once. Sometimes symptoms of ocular rosacea take place prior to those of facial rosacea.
Symptoms of ocular rosacea include:
- Photophobia: this condition is defined as an extreme sensitivity to light. Patients with ocular rosacea can feel tenderness in their eyes around any type of light, no matter how dim the source may be.
- Dry Eye Syndrome: like the name suggests, dry eye syndrome is the lack of tears produced by the eye. Tears are essential in protecting the eye against infections, and keep the eye moist.
- Other physical signs and symptoms of ocular rosacea include redness or bloodshot eyes, itchiness on and around the eyes, and blurry vision.
Ocular Rosacea Treatment
While ocular rosacea does not have a cure, there are treatment options available to help subside symptoms.
Medical physicians can prescribe treatments, and there are also methods that can be taken by patients themselves as a part of their daily routine to help maintain an overall eye health.
Best Ocular Rosacea Treatment Options:
- Practice a Daily Cleaning Routine: ensuring that the area around the eyes is clean will help prevent symptoms of ocular rosacea from occurring. Occasionally, a doctor will recommend an eye or face wash to use once or twice a day.
- Artificial tears and Topical Creams: artificial tears and creams can either be prescribed by an eye doctor or obtained over the counter. However, 2015 Cochrane Review of multiple studies focusing on the treatment of ocular rosacea concluded that instead of artificial tears, a topical application of cyclosporine proved to have better results in aiding symptoms (1).
- Avoid Wearing Contact Lenses: because dry eye syndrome is a commonly experienced symptom of ocular rosacea, avoiding the use of contact lenses will help lessen the dryness. Eyes will not have to work as hard keeping themselves moist if they are contact-free, so instead opt for glasses.
- Rosacea Creams: treating ocular rosacea with creams is an effective method. Many creams are available online and in stores or can be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. The option for creams is further explored below.
Ocular Rosacea Cream Review
While ocular rosacea is a lifelong skin condition, there are treatments like creams that can help manage it. There are several creams on the market targeted for relieving symptoms of both facial and ocular rosacea.
For ocular rosacea, creams will help the area around the eyes and drops will help ease the symptoms in the eyes themselves.
Ocular Rosacea Creams:
- Our very own RosaRid is composed of 15 organic ingredients and targets rosacea fast. This organic rosacea cream can do wonders for those suffering from Ocular Rosacea. If you are in need of a great rosacea cream, try RosaRid.
- Rosacea Cream and Sensitive Skin Care Serum by Rosadyn: backed by several positive customer reviews, this cream is also includes organic and natural ingredients.
- Demodex Lotion Eyes n Mites: designed to target and alleviate ocular rosacea’s common symptom of itchy eyes.
- Rosacea Care Eye Cream with Vitamin K by Dermstore: receiving favorable reviews, this eye cream is gentle and promotes circulation while diminishing redness and puffiness around the eyes.
RosaRid is our #1 cream for Ocular Rosacea. With over 15 organic ingredients for Rosacea, this cream packs a punch and contains no harmful additives, fillers, or harsh chemicals that can make your Oculear Rosacea worse.
Click here to learn more about RosaRid for Ocular Rosacea.
Ocular Rosacea Diet Tips and Tricks
Chronic medical issues like ocular rosacea and facial rosacea can be managed by a diet designed to lessen the symptoms.
There are certain foods that can be included in a diet that can prevent flare-ups, and there are also foods that should be avoided that can cause inflammation.
Foods to Include in a Preventative Rosacea Diet:
- Fatty Acids: studies conducted on patients with dry eye issues have proven that a diet of omega-2 fatty acids can help increase the quality of tear film produced. Involving plenty of these fatty acids in a diet for those suffering from ocular rosacea can help relieve the common symptom of dry eyes. While the study suggested that although omega-3 fatty acids most definitely play a vital role in dry eye syndrome, more evidences and trials are needed.
- Water: staying hydrated throughout the day will help maintain internal functionality, flush toxins out of the body, and promote overall eye health.
- Fruits and Vegetables: a diet rich with fruits and vegetables will provide an ample amount of antioxidants and keep the eyes healthy, staving off infections.
Foods to Avoid with Ocular Rosacea:
- Hot and Spicy Foods: this type of food will cause eyes to water in people with or without ocular rosacea. For those with ocular rosacea, a sudden flushing or rush of heat to the face will cause a flare-up, dilating the blood vessels around the eyes.
- Hot, Caffeinated, or Alcoholic Beverages: like eating spicy foods, these beverages will also cause the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, eyes to water, invoking a flare-up of symptoms.
Ocular rosacea is a common skin condition that with the proper treatment, care, diet, and daily routine can be managed and flare-ups can be prevented.
Avoid foods and beverages that can cause sudden flushing and heat spells, while including foods that promote eye and skin health.
Should I See a Doctor?
It is necessary to see a doctor, specifically an ophthalmologist, for problems relating to ocular rosacea.
If you believe that you have Ocular Rosacea and have not seen a doctor, we recommend you get in to see one as soon as possible.
To rapidly target the symptoms of Ocular Rosacea, try RosaRid.
Ophthalmologists can prescribe mediations and other treatments that cannot be accessed through over the counter medication.