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Best Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment Tips & Advice - Internal Hemorrhoid Help!

Posted on 01 February 2018 by

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There are many different internal hemorrhoids treatment options out there. In this post we will discuss what your best options are to treat internal hemorrhoids and how you can get rid of them without breaking the bank.

Internal hemorrhoids often go undetected because they are in an area of the rectum that lacks pain-sensing nerves.

When internal hemorrhoids do present with symptoms, there are many options for treatment. Let’s take a closer look at internal hemorrhoids and the treatments available to resolve them.

What Are Internal Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are classified in one of two categories: internal or external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are more symptomatic and commonly associated with pain, itching, and discomfort. 

Internal hemorrhoids are located deep inside the rectum. They are not visible to the naked eye, and they cannot be felt.

They are known for being painless. The most common sign of internal hemorrhoids is hemorrhoid bleeding, or the presence of rectal bleeding.

Internal hemorrhoids are characterized by various levels of severity. They are separated from grades I-IV, varying from internal hemorrhoids that remain deep inside the rectum to ones that have prolapsed and remain outside of the rectum.

When an internal hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus, considered to be prolapsed, the presence of pain may exist.

What causes internal hemorrhoids?

There are many reasons internal hemorrhoids occur. Identified as the enlargement of the veins around the anus, the causes of hemorrhoids include:

  • Pregnancy - Pregnancy is a factor causing hemorrhoids (1). Hemorrhoids are common in pregnant woman because of the pressure of the uterus on the veins in the colon as it enlarges when the baby grows. This pressure causes hemorrhoids to bulge. They can last throughout the entire pregnancy. Our hemorrhoid pregnancy guide is a great to help to women suffering with hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  • Aging - Hemorrhoids become more common as we age. Increased risk of hemorrhoids sets in when adults reach the age range of forty-five to sixty-five. Although age is a factor that increases risk, patients at any age, even childhood, can get hemorrhoids. Using a hemorrhoid supplement can help combat hemorrhoids by increasing blood flow to the damaged area.
  • Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea - Continual bouts of diarrhea or constipation can cause hemorrhoids. The irritation from chronic diarrhea can cause inflammation in the anal veins that causes hemorrhoids. Additionally, straining during bowel movements can add additional pressure to the veins in the anus causing swelling. This can lead to intense hemorrhoid itching and burning.
  • Sitting or standing for too long - When you remain in the same position for too long, blood can pool in various areas of the body. An increase in pooling in the anal area may cause inflammation that leads to hemorrhoids.
  • Obesity - Those who suffer from obesity are at an increased risk of hemorrhoids. Poor diet can lead to many symptoms that cause hemorrhoids.
  • Genetics - Tendency to develop hemorrhoids can be inherited through your genes. A family history of hemorrhoids is often indicative of having them (2).
  • Holding your breath during strenuous activity - Heavy lifting and strenuous work can cause patients to hold their breath, resulting in bulging hemorrhoids.
  • Improper hygiene - Good bowel habits are an important part of hemorrhoid prevention. This includes properly cleaning yourself after bowel movements. Use the best hemorrhoid wipe to clean yourself after a bowel movement to reduce and eliminate hemorrhoids.

How long do internal hemorrhoids last?

The life expectancy for internal hemorrhoids varies and depends on several factors. Since many internal hemorrhoids go undetected, it is often difficult to determine when internal hemorrhoids may have developed.

Once they are symptomatic, the length of their existence depends on the severity of the hemorrhoid and the method of treatment. For this reason, hemorrhoids can last for a relatively short time period such as a few days or for an extended period of a couple of months.

Grade I hemorrhoids do not move outside of the rectum. Although it is difficult to tell how long they have been in existence, they often resolve quickly (3).

Grade II internal hemorrhoids protrude out of the rectum, but spontaneously retract on their own. They can be resolved in a week with home remedies or over-the-counter treatments.

Grade III internal hemorrhoids protrude out of the rectum but can be manually pushed back into place. Depending on the method of hemorrhoid treatment, they can last a few weeks to a month, or even more.

Grade IV internal hemorrhoids are the most serious and often require medical treatment or surgery. These remain outside of the rectum. They often require hemorrhoid surgery and can take a month or more to resolve. See a hemorrhoid doctor if you have a grade IV internal hemorrhoid.

Internal hemorrhoid surgery options

Internal hemorrhoid surgery options involve two types of surgery: with or without anesthesia. Surgeries without anesthesia can be performed in a doctor’s office. Patients generally experience only mild discomfort. These minimally invasive procedures include:

  • Rubber band ligation, also know as banding, to force the hemorrhoid to shrink or fall off. During this procedure, an elastic band is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply. It is effective in treating internal hemorrhoids but does require two to three treatments over a period of six weeks. Our hemorrhoid relief guide will help you recover rubber band ligation.
  • Sclerotherapy produces a scar that cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. During a sclerotherapy procedure, a doctor injects a chemical solution into the internal hemorrhoid.
  • Infrared Photocoagulation uses infrared light, heat, or extreme cold to kill the hemorrhoid and forces the tissue to retract into the body.

When minimally invasive procedures are not effective in treating internal hemorrhoids, there are more serious surgical options available.

Hemorrhoidopexy is a surgical procedure that is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. This surgical procedure is also known as stapling. During the surgery, the internal hemorrhoid is generally prolapsed and is stapled back into place. The medical staples cause the blood supply to be cut off to the hemorrhoid and the tissue to retract into place after the hemorrhoid shrinks.

Best medicine for internal hemorrhoids (non-cream)

While there are many medicinal treatments available for internal hemorrhoids, the most effective has been reported to be hemorrhoid suppositories.

Hemorrhoidal suppositories relieve swelling and bleeding caused by internal hemorrhoids. They contain a class of drugs called sympathomimetic amines. These work by narrowing the blood vessels in the area to decrease inflammation.

Some even contain substances that create a barrier to reduce the continuous irritation caused by the hemorrhoid encountering stool during bowel movements.

Best Internal Hemorrhoid Cream

Hemorrhoid creams are generally used to treat prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. The mineral component in hemorrhoid creams combats the irritation of internal hemorrhoids, while the ingredient of Phenylephrine HCL alleviated inflammation.

Preparation H has been known to be the best internal hemorrhoid cream. With a variety of products available through the line today, it helps to lubricate the anal area.

This keeps bowel movements smooth and painless allowing your hemorrhoids the chance to heal. The addition of ingredients such as witch hazel and aloe vera have made preparation H even more effective over the years. Using witch hazel for hemorrhoids is a great way to reduce your symptoms.

Does emuaid work for internal hemorrhoids?

Although there is not a great deal of evidence to review Emu-Aid, it has been known to effectively treat internal hemorrhoids by alleviating symptoms such as swelling and discomfort. The ointment claims to prevent bleeding when used for internal hemorrhoids and provide faster healing time. Our full emuaid review will help you learn more about this product.

Top Natural Remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids

There are many other at home remedies or treatments available for internal hemorrhoids. They can help relieve symptoms and include:

  • Sitz Baths - Sitz baths are placed over the toilet, allowing you to soak the anal area and reduce symptoms. Additionally, soaking in a few inches of warm water three to four times a day for fifteen minutes at a time can be helpful. Using a hemorrhoid supplement like HemRid Plus can help to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  • Analgesics- In the case of prolapsed hemorrhoids that become uncomfortable or painful, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin can be effective in alleviating symptoms. This guide will help you learn how to stop hemorrhoid itching and burning.
  • Proper Nutrition - Eating foods rich in fiber can ensure your stool is regular and moves smoothly and remains soft. Additionally, increasing your water intake can help ensure you avoid constipation. If you cannot improve your fiber intake through your food consumption, there are over-the-counter supplements available, like HemRid Plus.
  • Avoid Straining - Straining is one of the leading causes of hemorrhoids. Whether you are using the toilet or engaging in hard work, try not to strain. This creates a pressure in the veins that can cause hemorrhoids to bulge in the rectum.
  • Proper bowel habits - Although many people avoid using the toilet when they feel the urge to have a bowel movement, you should go when you feel the need. The longer you wait, the harder and drier your stool becomes, leading to constipation. Use a baby wipe or hemorrhoid wipe after using the bathroom to reduce further hemorrhoid itching or irritation.
  • Increased physical activity - While it is known that sitting and standing for long periods of time can lead to an increased risk of hemorrhoids, remaining active can help avoid this. Physical activity also helps to keep your bowels moving regularly.
  • Maintaining a Healthy Weight- Obesity is a significant contributor to the formation of hemorrhoids. When you maintain a healthy weight, you reduce your risk based on your weight. You are also more likely to follow a healthy diet, exercise, and consume the right water intake which can all be factors that help prevent hemorrhoids.

Top Suppositories for Internal Hemorrhoids

Suppositories are known to be a very effective treatment for the presence of internal hemorrhoids. The top five hemorrhoidal suppositories are:

  • Preparation H Suppositories which work from the inside to heal tissues and ease bowel movements.
  • Avenoc Suppositories that contain ingredients to attack the cause of hemorrhoids and heal from the inside.
  • Neo Healar Suppositories which are scientifically tested to repair damaged tissue and speed recovery.
  • Witch Hazel Suppositories which contain natural ingredients to soothe the symptoms associated with internal hemorrhoids.
  • Anusol Suppositories that contain 2.5% hydrocortisone, known to alleviate inflammation and irritation.

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