Benefiber Reviews - Does Benefiber Really Work or is it a Scam?
Posted on 14 June 2018 by Maryanne Johnson
Page score: 4 / 5
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Buyer Beware! Make sure you check out the full Benefiber Review before you make a purchase. Finding a powder supplement can be a difficult task because the market is full of them, but some are better than others.
And for finding an optimal powder, you're allowed to be picky. Fiber supplements range from a seamless dissolvability to a chalky aftertaste, to zero taste, and to fruit flavors.
Benefiber is rated as one of Amazon's Choice products, a credential is seemingly given to Amazon's top-selling products with the lowest rate of return.
The criteria of Amazon's Choice products, while still somewhat ambiguous, generally allows for products that have accumulated the most searches and most reviews from customers.
Customer reviews are one of the best ways to research a product because of the honest feedback is given to those who have had a verified purchase and have tried the product at least one time. Amazon is one of the largest online retailers, and so the pool of reviews covers a fast audience of those who have ordered and tried Benefiber.
Benefiber provides the following benefits:
- Provide a grit-free, easily dissolvable fiber supplement powder
- Help consumers feel less hungry between meals
- Promote digestive health
Ranking at 4.5 stars out of 5, Benefiber appears to be one of the most superior fiber supplements when it comes to customer satisfaction. Reviewers commented on the no taste aspect of Benefiber, something that this brand prides itself on.
Consumers love the fact that they can add Benefiber into whatever they are drinking or eating, even water, and still not notice a difference in taste.
Aside from its undetectable presence in beverages and food, Benefiber also strives to have a no-grit taste, a problem widely experienced by other fiber supplement powders.
Consumers praise Benefiber in its ability to dissolve completely in beverages and foods, without clumping or leaving behind residue.
The single ingredient in Benefiber is:
- Wheat Dextrin
This is a source of soluble fiber, a type of fiber that becomes a gel-like substance as it moves through the intestines. Soluble fiber is recommended for those struggling with common digestive disorders, like constipation or diarrhea.
There are many sources of soluble fiber, and Benefiber utilizes wheat dextrin, a group of carbohydrates produced by starches.
Benefiber is not expensive, coming in at $20 per container with 125 powder servings. Benefiber is also available in many other stores, like Walmart, Riteaid, Target, and online retailers aside from Amazon.
Brick and mortar stores carry Benefiber for about the same price.
Is Benefiber Bad or Good for IBS?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) consists of a slew of varying symptoms. Some sufferers of IBS experience mild, to moderate, and unfortunately, severe symptoms throughout their lifetime. Research into the treatment of this chronic condition suggests a link between lifestyle, diet, and a reduction of stress.
IBS is one of the most widely experienced gastrointestinal disorders, and it is a chronic condition that could last decades or a lifetime. Nearly 15% of American adults suffer from IBS, but only about 7% are actually diagnosed.
IBS flare-ups can alternate symptoms, too. One flare-up may consist of a patient experiencing symptoms like diarrhea, and the next it could be a bout of constipation. Unfortunately, because of the varying symptoms and their severity, there is no general solution to IBS.
Doctors tailor treatment methods to their patients because each case is unique.
Symptoms of IBS include:
- Abdominal discomfort or pain
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Change in bowel habits
- Cramping
- Indigestion
- Excess gas
- Urgent need to eliminate
- Inability to eliminate
- Nausea
According to a recent study published in 2017 and put forth by the International Journal of Molecular Medicine, testing concluded that dietary fiber could in fact aid in relieving commonly occurring symptoms of IBS.
The findings in the study expounded on how dietary fiber impacts intestinal functions, by added mass to fecal matter as it passes through the digestive tract.
Stool bulking also consists of the inclusion of more moisture, and so the softer stools are less stressful to move.
However, it should be noted that only certain types of soluble fiber can produce such successful results for IBS.
Benefiber is comprised of wheat dextrin, a soluble fiber extracted from starch. Studies have indicated that wheat dextrin is not those among other fiber supplements that are beneficial to those with IBS.
Wheat dextrin is soluble, non-viscous, with no water-holding capacity, all of which are attributes that do not produce results in patients with IBS.
While Benefiber is still a highly regarded soluble fiber supplement, it shouldn't be used to treat IBS. Patients should consider a fiber supplement powder derived from psyllium, a source of soluble fiber that gel-forming and viscous, traits that have been proven to assist in relieving symptoms of IBS.
Is Benefiber Bad or Good for Cholesterol?
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is the type of cholesterol your doctor warned you about. Too high of this type of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.
This “bad” cholesterol is what doctors recommend lowering in your yearly check-up. What can you do about reducing your LDL cholesterol levels? One unsuspecting additive to try is a fiber supplement, but is Benefiber the right one?
Benefiber utilizes its one main ingredient of wheat dextrin as its source of dietary fiber. Wheat dextrin is a soluble fiber, the type of fiber that becomes a gel-like substance as it makes its way through the digestive tract.
Studies correlating dietary fiber and lowered cholesterol levels indicate that it is soluble fiber, not insoluble fiber, which is the key nutrient in reducing LDL cholesterol levels.
While soluble fiber supplements are a non-drug treatment method in lowering this “bad” cholesterol, doctors advise patients to get their dietary fiber from whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
According to a research article published in 2017 by the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the findings concluded that the dietary fiber with high viscosity and gel-forming abilities were responsible in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, preventing things like carbohydrates, sugars, and other adverse compounds from being absorbed during digestion.
Compared to other soluble fibers, wheat dextrin is not considered especially viscous or gel-forming and does not have a high water-holding capacity. These traits are deemed not to be effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Fiber derived from psyllium proved to be the most advantageous in reducing LDL cholesterol.
Psyllium contains traits that are inherently opposite to those of wheat dextrin. It is viscous, gel forming, and able to retain water, attributes that are proven to reduce LDL cholesterol.
Although Benefiber may have a slight effect in lowering cholesterol levels, it does not do so as effectively as psyllium fiber supplements. Benefiber advertises that through daily consumption it can lower LDL cholesterol, but studies have indicated that psyllium husk supplements are more beneficial than those containing wheat dextrin, like Benefiber.
Is Benefiber the Right Choice for Constipation?
Constipation is one of the most commonly experienced gastrointestinal issues by both adults and children. While not a disorder on its own, constipation is a result and symptom of other digestive problems.
One of the most typical reasons for constipation is a lack of fibrous diet, and doctors often advise patients to seek more fiber from their fruits and vegetables. However, this can be easier said than done for the majority of us.
And this is where fiber supplements like Benefiber come into effect.
The short answer to this popularly posed question is: yes, Benefiber does aid in constipation relief. The long answer is: yes, but there are better fiber supplements to do the job.
Studies indicate that psyllium and its gel-forming, viscous, and water-retaining capacities are better for constipation than the properties of wheat dextrin. Much like how these two opposing fiber supplements impact cholesterol levels, wheat dextrin's intrinsic non-viscous nature does not appear to be nearly as effective.
If you are struggling with chronic constipation, chances are something is missing from your diet, or another condition could be at play. You should consult with your doctor for a better understanding on how to relieve constipation, but a fiber supplement is an excellent place to start.
A fiber supplement is only partially helpful without water, so when taking fiber powder to alleviate constipation, be sure to consume the powder in conjunction with at least 8 ounces of water. Continue to drink water throughout the day for the fiber to take effect in the intestines.
Fiber depends on water absorption in its relationship with stools, and without it, stools will fail to soften properly.
Benefiber is good for constipation at the end of the day. Wheat dextrin, though not as effective as psyllium, will still do its design of moving things along in the digestive tract.
For chronic constipation, the two best things you can do is to first talk to your doctor and next, consider employing the use of psyllium fiber supplements over wheat dextrin.
Should I Try Benefiber for Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are one of the most widely experienced problems for adults age 50 and older. Decades of research have determined that hemorrhoids are a cause of still ambiguous factors, like aging, genetics, and chronic constipation and diarrhea.
However, chronic constipation and diarrhea are often a result of another condition at work, and consulting with your doctor to determine this can solve resulting symptoms.
Hemorrhoids fall into two different types—internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids rarely show themselves, only demonstrating their existence through the occasional painless rectal bleeding.
Alternatively, external hemorrhoids are painful, rubbery bumps surrounding the anal opening that make basic movements and positions an uncomfortable chore. External hemorrhoids will itch, burn, and become irritated.
Some of the symptoms of external hemorrhoids are:
- Burning sensation
- Mild to intense anal itching
- Blood clots (also known as thrombosed hemorrhoids)
- Discomfort or pain
- Difficulty using the bathroom
While creams, ointments, wipes, sitz baths, and hemorrhoid pills are all excellent methods for temporary relief, adding more fiber into your diet will act as a preventative, long-term solution to hemorrhoids.
The more straining occurs on the toilet, either from constipation or other gastrointestinal issues,
Truthfully, adding any soluble fiber into your diet is a good thing, regardless of the source is man-made wheat dextrin extracted from starch compounds, or if its derived from plant fibers' psyllium husk.
Straining is one of the most recognized factors behind hemorrhoid flare-ups. Stress and additional pressure placed on the lower rectal region ignites inflammation of these sensitive blood vessels.
Pregnant women are also more susceptible to hemorrhoids because of the growing pressure placed on the pelvic and rectal muscles.
Ensuring that you are getting enough fiber can help the prevention of straining during a bowel movement. While fiber is best consumed in whole fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and other natural foods, a fiber supplement can do its part in assisting as a stool softener and bulking agent.
Benefiber has its place in preventing painful and embarrassing hemorrhoid problems, but it should be combined with a healthy, balanced diet, and topical remedies, if needed.
Like many other reviewers on Amazon and other sites that sell Benefiber, there is a good chance that for hemorrhoids or constipation, your doctor will recommend Benefiber or another fiber supplement to add to your diet.