Senvie Skin Care

Do Scars Ever Go Away Completely? Find Out if Your Scar Will Go Away

Posted on 22 January 2016 by

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If you’re living with scars, you most likely feel self-conscious about your appearance from time to time, and may have either sought out treatments or have considered looking for some options to help erase the scars.

For many, the most debilitating scars are often associated with acne. Acne marks and scars are considered especially traumatic, because acne often hits during puberty in response to changing hormones, arriving at a time when emotions can be especially volatile and bullying can lead to additional feelings of diminished self-worth.

Acne scars only serve as a reminder of a terrible time, every time we look in a mirror.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Although many experts say acne scars are caused by picking at pimples – an almost impossible thing to resist, for anyone who has ever had one of the unsightly pus-filled bumps – in reality, that’s not necessarily true, according to dermatologists.

Although picking can help exacerbate a scar – popping a pesky pimple can be okay, but leaving it alone afterwards is important, because the continued picking can result in scar tissue – the type of acne you experience is more likely to determine if pimples will leave behind scars.

The type of lesions most related to dark, discolored marks or sunken areas are those that form deep beneath the skin’s surface. (Known as cystic pimples, they are painful and slow to rise to the surface of the skin.)

They are mostly cystic lesions that feel painful underneath the skin and they don't really connect with the surface easily,” Dr. Whitney Bowe, a New York City-based dermatologist told The Huffington Post. “The inflammation gets trapped in there.”

More About Inflammation, Scarring

Fortunately for some – and unfortunately for others – acne scars are associated with inflammation, which for every person is quite different. Part of the healing process, inflammation triggers the release of white blood cells, the first responders of healing, that work to form a cover over the wound to help prevent bacteria from entering.

The larger the acne lesion, the more inflammation associated with it. After the first phase of wound healing, the wound begins to repair itself by creating new blood vessels and new skin cells to replace damaged tissue.

If more collagen is produced than necessary, a scar will be raised. If there is not enough collagen, the structural base beneath the skin will be weak, and a dimple or pucker might form.

The third phase of healing also determines how much skin may scar, depending on how many tissue degrading enzymes are released during the process.

These enzymes will break down the cells of a scar so skin appears smoother, but can also damage existing collagen and elastic, inhibiting the skin’s ability to regenerate.

A true acne scar is when your body takes that healing process one step further and is not able to actually form the collagen the normal way. All the enzymes that are in the area of the acne lesion eat away at things like collagen and elastin,” said Bowe.

In the case that the inflammation is so great, the collagen and elastic tissue is not able to regenerate completely, or it does in a sort of disorganized or pathologic and not healthy fashion, and you're left with a scar.”

The Difference Between Acne Marks and Scars

When attempting to heal acne scars, especially those from pimples that would be long forgotten if not for the unsightly reminder, it’s important to remember that acne scars can vary widely.

Acne marks show up as hyperpigmentation in those with darker skin, and are revealed through dark brown spots, while those with lighter skin will have erythema, which reveals itself as purple or red marks.

Acne scars, however, can either be atrophic scars, which are deep indentations commonly referred to as “ice pick” scars, or hypertrophic scars, which appear as thicker, raised bumps on the surface of the skin.

Both take longer to heal than acne marks, but there are methods of treatment that can help improve the look of scars considerably, giving you back your self-esteem.

Healing Acne Marks and Scars

The best way to help remove the marks left behind due to acne is to slough off the top layer of skin, bringing dark marks to the surface where they can also be lifted away.

There are a wide range of natural remedies that can address acne marks, including vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that targets dark spots and pigment changes, acting like a powerful eraser that reveals the unblemished skin cells beneath.

Pitted or raised scars are harder to treat, but when looking for a scar removal cream, look for some form of silicone, which works to trap in moisture while offering a permeable barrier that allows healing oxygen to reach your skin’s surface, along with rich emollients such as shea butter and aloe, all of which deeply hydrate skin, encouraging it to produce collagen and elastin and heal from within.

While some scars will be slow to improve – and may never fade completely – the right formula will help make a major difference in the look and feel of scars, even those that have been around for a long time.

 The Best Method of Scar Removal

If you’re been searching the internet in hopes of finding a miracle treatment for acne scars, you’ve happened upon one of the best products on the market, an all-natural formula created in the United States following strict standards of excellence.

Selevax targets a wide range of scars including acne scars with all-natural but potent ingredients that include fruit extracts that help naturally slough away dead skin cells, botanicals such as arnica oil that lighten dark spots and antioxidants that trigger the production of collagen and elastin to improve skin’s appearance both at the surface level and beneath.

It also includes a wide range of moisturizers – shea butter and vitamin E among them – that have been proven in studies to help target even the toughest scars, naturally. It works fast, too, as seen by the before-and-after pictures customers have included with their reviews.

For more information about Selevax scar removal cream, click here.

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