Psoriasis vs Rosacea? Do I Have Psoriasis or Rosacea? Discover the Truth Now!
Posted on 22 June 2017 by Maryanne Johnson
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Psoriasis vs Rosacea, discover which one do you have! Skin issues are exceedingly common. Because they’re rarely life threatening, many doctors aren’t overly concerned with finding the true cause of the irritation or visual rash. They tend to take a one-size-treats-all approach to skin diseases. These often don’t get to the root of the problem. However, there are differences between skin issues. Knowing which you’re more likely to have can help you better approach your treatment.
Two of the most common skin issues are rosacea and psoriasis, and they’re often confused. In this blog post, we’ll outline the differences between the two conditions and their prognoses.
Is Rosacea and Psoriasis Linked?
Both psoriasis and rosacea often have a genetic component to them, but they can be caused by other factors as well. Psoriasis is often a body-wide affliction, while rosacea is localized to the face. Psoriasis is identified by its patches of red and scaly plaques and comes with other symptoms. Rosacea appears like a constant-blushing of the cheeks, but can also lead to other unsightly symptoms.
In the United States alone, millions of people are afflicted by either psoriasis or rosacea. Approximately 14 million Americans have been diagnosed with rosacea, while 7 million have been diagnosed with psoriasis. This is an extremely high prevalence.
What Causes Psoriasis and Rosacea?
Psoriasis is caused by an immunodeficiency where the immune system incorrectly prompts skin cells to produce too quickly, often within just a few days. Then, the skin cells create too many layers on the skin. The skin simply can’t keep up with the demand and it results in an uncomfortable red patch of scaly skin. While psoriasis is mainly genetic, not everybody who has psoriasis has a family history of it. Things as simple as infections, cold, alcohol, medications, and stress can cause an outbreak.
Rosacea is an immune response that causes a chronic skin condition characterized by a red and irritated complexion. The complexion eventually develops into an inclusion of acne and thick skin. Like psoriasis, rosacea also has a genetic component but can be developed without having a family history. It can be caused by a skin mite, a specific protein deficiency, an intestinal parasite or bacterium, and more. Other outbreaks, most often acute, are also caused by external factors such as cold, wind, strenuous exercise, sun, stress, alcohol, and even eating spicy foods.
Is Rosacea or Psoriasis Contagious?
Neither are contagious and both affect men and women equally, though rosacea is more likely to affect women. Both conditions affect people more often that are over the age of 30.
Symptoms of Rosacea and Psoriasis
Psoriasis outbreaks aren’t localized to any specific part of the body. However, some areas are more often affected than others, such as the scalp, the elbows, the knees, the trunk, and the genitals.
Psoriasis also has different stages and each contain their own symptoms. These symptoms include:
- Plaques – red patches on the skin that have a raised appearance and are covered by a layer of white or silvery looking skin cells.
- Pits in the nails or nails that fall off completely.
- Red spots all over the body.
- Pus-filled pustules most likely occurring on the palms and soles of the feet.
- Psoriatic arthritis characterized by joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Pain can be either mild or severe
Rosacea is mostly located on just the face and sometimes in the eyes. In the beginning stage of rosacea, the face has a flushed appearance and is often accompanied by a burning sensation. This can, but doesn’t always, develop into a redness on the face that doesn’t go away or lessen; this is called vascular rosacea.
The next stage is called inflammatory rosacea and is characterized by redness and pink papules or pustules (depending on whether bumps are filled with pus or not). Later stages of rosacea demonstrate deepening of the redness of the face and typically has a greater chance of eye irritation. Rhinophyma is an advanced condition related to rosacea where the nose becomes swollen, red, and rounded, though this symptom isn’t common in women.
Treatments of Rosacea and Psoriasis
While neither condition is completely curable, both can be managed by the right treatment or combination of treatments.
How Do I Get Rid of Psoriasis and Rosacea?
Psoriasis is often treated with a combination of topical creams, light therapy, and medications to help treat the condition from within. These are all prescribed by a dermatologist who will best know how to approach each individual’s unique needs and case. Though treatment for psoriasis, since it’s a chronic condition, isn’t always straightforward and may require multiple rounds of treatment and trying multiple different medications – often in conjunction with each other.
Rosacea treatment is similar to psoriasis in that it takes a while and often multiple courses of treatment in order to find a relief in symptoms. Currently, there is no concrete cure for rosacea. Most symptoms are assessed and treated by a dermatologist, but an ophthalmologist may be necessary or helpful if the condition has affected the eyes as well. Certain lifestyle changes can also work wonders in reducing the effects of rosacea. These include: avoiding spicy foods, reducing alcohol consumption and the consumption of hot drinks, wearing sunscreen whenever being exposed to sunlight, avoiding hot temperatures, and showering in only warm water. It’s important to recognize which triggers are specific to an individual’s rosacea so that they can be avoided.
Can You Cure Rosacea or Psoriasis?
Neither psoriasis nor rosacea can be cured, but both can be managed with proper treatment, vigilance on triggers, and following the treatment plan that is prescribed by a doctor. Positive lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and hydration have also been reported to reduce the symptoms of both conditions. In addition, the right skin care regimen can greatly help with Psoriasis or Rosacea.