Meladerm vs Hydroquinone - Warning - The Hydroquinone Truth is Shocking
Posted on 22 November 2017 by Maryanne Johnson
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In this Meladerm vs Hydroquinone review post we will finally reveal the truth about these two skin lighteners. Meladerm is one of the best selling skin lightening creams. This hydroquinone free formula contains 10 ingredients which work to lighten the pigmentation of skin and give you a brighter complexion. Meladerm works one melasma, acne scars and dark spots. Is Meladerm better than hydroquinone creams, like Murad, Ambi and Obagi? Get ready for the head to head matchups.
#1 Skin Lightening Product Without Hydroquinone
Lux Intensive is our #1 skin lightening product without hydroquinone. Lux Intensive is made in the USA and has thousands of satisfied customers!!! Try it today!
First, it is important to know what exactly you are putting into your skin and body.
Is there a reason many new skin creams are advertising that their product is hydroquinone free? What’s the big deal? I think you will be surprised…
What Is Hydroquinone?
Hydroquinone is a skin lightening ingredient used primarily in skin creams to reduce the appearance of pigmentation. It is an aromatic organic compound which happens to be a derivative of benzene. In fact, another name for Hydroquinone is Benzene-1. Why does that matter? It matters if you understand what Benzene is.
What Is Benzene?
Benzene is classified by the US Department of Health and Human Services as a carcinogen. What level of benzene is safe, according to the American Petroleum Institute, “Zero.” Benzene is pretty scary stuff! Hydroquinone is not benzene, but rather a derivative of it. So what do we know about benzene-1, hydroquinone?
What Do We Know About Benzene-1 (Hydroquinone)?
Hydroquinone is heavily used in black and white photographic developers. It is also used in skin care products to lighten the skin. Hydroquinone can lighten the skin if it is applied and used in an appropriate manner. However, it causes skin sensitivity and question remain as to whether it causes cancer.
Is Hydroquinone Safe?
The Food and Drug Administration has specifically said that hydroquinone cannot be ruled out as a carcinogen. This statement was based on hydroquinone’s high absorption rate in humans and a well conducted study in which rats treated topically with Benzene-1 (hydroquinone), had developed more tumors, including cancer, Mono Cell Lukemia. The study concluded that there was evidence that Benzene-1 (hydroquinone) showed evidence of carcinogenic activity. Do you want that on your skin being absorbed into your body. Many wouldn’t have it in their house.
Does Hydroquinone Cause Cancer?
Is it a mere coincidence that Benzene has been known to cause Leukemia cancer? In fact, just like asbestos, there are currently many Benzene lawsuits out there for those exposed to Benzene that have contracted Luekemia cancer. The same thing may occur once we learn more about Benzene-1. The National Toxicology Program did an evaluation of hydroquinone and found that there was evidence of long term carcinogenic effects. Still thinking about using hydroquinone? In 2006 the FDA revoked its prior approval of it and went further and even proposed a ban on OTC preparations.
That is why newer products don’t contain it and specifically advertise that the product is hydroquinone free.
What Should I Use To Lighten My Skin?
If your still thinking about using hydroquinone, read on to see the top three hydroquinone products matched up with Meladerm. On the other hand, if your not going to risk your health and are looking for a list of the best hydroquinone-free skin lighteners, click here.
Is Meladerm Better Than Hydroquinone Creams? Three Head to Head Match Ups: Meladerm vs Murad, Meladerm vs Obagi, Meladerm vs Ambi.
Meladerm vs. Murad
Murad Rapid Age Spot And Pigment Lightening Serum is one the most popular and best selling hydroquinone lighteners. Murad works great to lighten the skin and reduce pigmentation. From a research perspective it also one of the smartest formulas with the inclusion of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids.
Hydroquinone and Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
Research supports that hydroquinone is more effective or lightens faster when the ingredient is paired with Alpha-Hydroxy Acids. If you are looking for a top performing hydroquinone lightener, then look no further than Murad Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Serum. With a price tag of about $60 for just a single (1) ounce bottle, be ready spend.
Meladerm on the other hand is a natural skin lightener which combines proven ingredients like licorice root, vitamin b and Kojic Acid to reduce the appearance of pigmentation quickly. This is a powerful and effective skin lightening combination. As with any product containing Kojic Acid, try it on a test area of your body before just lathering it all of the place, since Kojic can cause minor skin reactions. Meladerm comes in a 1.7 ounce bottle and costs about $50.
Meladerm vs Murad Which Is Better?
Our clear winner here is Meladerm. Putting aside the hydroquinone problem, Meladerm gets great results, has a high satisfaction rate and costs $10 less while giving you almost twice as much. This first matchup is any brainer.
Meladerm vs Ambi
Ambi is a very popular hydroquinone cream for dark skin. It makes our top three hydroquinone lighteners for the same reason as Murad, it also contains Alpha-Hydroxy Acids. It also contains a sunscreen for those that experience skin sensitivity from the hydroquinone. This can actually be a negative, especially if its winter and your dark skinned, because it will prevent the sun from giving you your much needed dose of Vitamin D. The best part about Ambi is it only costs $9.75 per two ounce tube. That is great value.
Meladerm on the other hand is also a proven lightener, but is far more expensive than Ambi. It does not contain a sunscreen like Ambi, but is loaded with other natural ingredients with antioxidants to promote healthy looking skin.
Meladerm vs Ambi Which Is Better?
For this comparison, if you don’t care about the hydroquinone problem, then Ambi is the winner. From a cost perspective, Ambi is too great a value to pass up. You could have 5 tubes of Ambi for the price of one Meladerm, although instead of putting all natural ingredients on your skin you are potentially rubbing in a carcinogen.
Meladerm vs Obagi
Obagi Nu Derm Clear skin Bleaching Corrector Cream is a prescription cream which contains 4% hydroquinone cream as opposed to a 2% hydroquinone concentration used in Ambi and Murad. Any concentration over 2% must be obtained with a prescription. However, despite the higher concentration of hydroquinone, it does not contain Alpha-Hydroxy Acids. Obagi also is popular brand with lightening products that work. The price tag on this 4% hydroquinone cream is $50 for a two ounce tube.
In contrast, Meladerm, the all natural lightener performs well as lightener without the whopping 4% hydroquinone ingredient. Meladerm also has free radical stopping antioxidants for skin protection.
Meladerm vs Obagi Nu Derm
The value of each is very similar with both creams costing you $50 and performing well. Without any potentially dangerous ingredients, Meladerm is the clear winner of this head to head match up.
Here is a list of the top 15 Best Hydroquinone-free Skin Lighteners.