Senvie Skin Care

Scar Cream Reviews

Posted on 21 January 2016 by

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According to the folks who track such things, one of the most searched topics online is scar removal cream, which suggests that many people are dealing with scars that they’re desperate to erase.

Many of us see our scars as signs of survival - whether that means surgical scars, scars from a childhood spent fighting off an older brother or sister or injuries we received while mastering myriad physical challenges – and welcome them as part of our skin’s own personal tapestry.

I think scars are like battle wounds – beautiful in a way,” said Demi Lovato. “They show what you’ve been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.”

Designer Marc Jacobs agrees, and said, “I always find beauty in things that are odd or imperfect. They are much more interesting.”

But for some of us, living with scars can severely damage self-esteem and leave us feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in social situations.

And not living life to its fullest potential because of a scar is an unacceptable – and unnecessary – way to live.

Seeking Out an Effective Scar Cream

Like a bone that breaks and then heals, scar tissue is stronger than the original skin, making the choice of a scar removal cream important if you’re hoping to see real results.

While it seems that topical scar treatments are facing an almost impossible challenge, the right creams have the capability of dramatically improving the look of scars, without the invasive nature of surgery or the jaw-dropping price tags of laser treatments.

But with so many scar removal creams on the market, it’s important to choose the right one in order to get the results the product promises and you’ve come to expect.

That means doing the right research – and checking out reviews – to ensure that the product you choose is the right one for you.

Researching Scar Creams

If you’re looking for the best scar removal cream, there are a variety of factors to take into consideration when making your decision.

  • Read the reviews. Make sure that the scar removal cream you’re considering has both customer and expert reviews. According to, Senvie’s all-natural Selevax is the best scar cream of 2015, earning the top spot for the second year in a row. Selevax earns the online review site’s seal of approval due to a variety of factors, including “top-notch” ingredients, ease of use, U.S.-based customer service and a money-back guarantee that allows customers to test Selevax risk-free for 90 days. Customers have also given the product stellar reviews, so it comes with the backing of peers as well as experts.
  • Check ingredients. Make sure that the scar removal cream contains silicone in some form. Silicone is the most effective way to help treat a scar, according to experts, because it creates a protective barrier that helps seal in other active ingredients. As for those active ingredients, make sure that you’re choosing a product with natural botanicals that go beneath the skin’s surface to help rejuvenate collagen an elastin, moisturize and heal through the use of skin-friendly antioxidants. The right mix of ingredients will work in synergy to help diminish your scar while improving the look and feel of your skin.

Selevax includes the mineral-based silicone dimethicone, antioxidants including vitamin E, which also offers essential hydration, moisturizers including shea butter, aloe and sunflower oil. These ingredients help improve the look and feel of skin.

The formula also includes rose hip and arnica oil, two botanicals that have been shown in studies to effectively regenerate damaged skin tissue, significantly improving the look and feel of scars.

  • Check out the scar cream’s before and after photos. Make sure the product you’re considering offers before and after photos, so you can see firsthand the improvements you can expect when using the product. If you can see for yourself through authentic before and after photos – especially photos of scars similar to the ones you want to treat – you’ll have a better idea if the cream will be effective for you and your scar.
  • Are there risk factors? Make sure that the scar treatment cream you’re considering uses all-natural ingredients to treat a wide range of scars, including acne scars, keloid scars, surgical scars, burn scars and stretch mark scars. Natural ingredients are less likely to cause allergic reactions or side effects while healing your skin.
  • Make sure you are choosing a scar cream made in the United States. Products produced overseas often don’t follow the same rigorous testing that is demanded of products manufactured in the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration strictly regulates personal care products, especially so those that are focused on treating skin issues such as acne or scars. These products are treated as drugs, and the regulatory process is designed with consumer safety in mind.
  • Is there a money-back guarantee? If product manufacturers are willing to put their money where their mouth is and offer you your money back if you’re not satisfied, even if you’ve used an entire jar of their product, that shows confidence in their product.
  • Take Amazon scar cream reviews with a grain of salt. While many shoppers rely on the blockbuster site for product reviews, Amazon only reviews products that are available through its site, so its research is significantly limited. Expanding your scope beyond Amazon will help ensure that well-researched products such as Selevax don’t slip through your fingers. For more information,check out our best scar cream here.

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