Senvie Skin Care

11 Treatments That Can Make Your Scars Less Noticeable

Posted on 11 February 2018 by

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Scars can be a result of any damaging impact on the skin. They can be due to a surgical procedure, an injury from an accident, or a disease such as smallpox.

Most of these situations leave behind a damaged skin that doesn't look impressive to the eye.

But scars can't be removed once they develop on the skin. Therefore, people with scars tend to look for methods they can use to scale down and reduce the prominence of scars.

If you have an ugly scar, you would quickly want to make it less noticeable. With that, consider using any of these treatments.

Natural Remedies for Scars

There are a number of natural remedies that can make scars less visible. Here are some of the best options you can try. However, it is important to note that it is still best to consult a doctor before administering the natural treatments on the scars.

  1. Smear a lemon on the scar - The alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) found in lemons has been found to be exceptionally potent for scars caused by dead skin cells. This essential acid helps in bringing cells back to life and restoring the elasticity of the skin. It acts very much like a natural bleaching agent that effectively removes the dark pigment on your scars.
  2. A drop of honey - Raw honey works as a natural moisturizer and has been found to be potent in fading scars. It treats scars by stimulating tissue growth. Take two tablespoonfuls of baking soda and mix it with another 2 tablespoonfuls of honey to create the curative cocktail, which you will use to massage on your scars for three minutes. The scars will become less noticeable in the long run.
  3. Try out onion extract - Aiding in the reduction of skin inflammations, onion extracts can prevent the redness of scars and decrease their size. You can avail over-the-counter treatments that are formulated with onion extracts. But you have to make sure that your skin isn't sensitive, and you have the approval of using it from your doctor. It is always best to prevent further damages to the skin.
  4. Aloe Vera - When it comes to natural remedies, aloe vera is always one of the most common options. Why wouldn't it be? This succulent plant has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the prevention of skin irritations. Aside from that, it works as a natural moisturizer that smoothens the dead skin cells on the scars. More on its benefits, aloe vera can repair damaged cells and fortify young cells. It comes in form of lotions, gels, and ointments, which you can apply to your scared skin.
  5. Indian Gooseberry - In healing scars, vitamin C is described as an important inhibitor component in the process of stopping the scar tissue formation. Indian gooseberry provides plenty of Vitamin C, thus making it one of the best remedies for removing scars. Gooseberry paste mixed with olive oil will hide your scars when smeared on the skin for a period of time.
  6. Cucumber paste - Cucumbers are easily available on the market. As a remedy for scars, they are less acidic so they don't cause skin irritations. Make your own preparation at home by peeling the cucumber and rubbing it on the scar - easy and fast, right?
  7. Frankincense Oil - Frankincense oil helps in cells regeneration. It is a potent remedy that is effective in eliminating the appearance of stretch marks, reversing signs of aging, and making scars less noticeable. All you have to do is massage the scars with this oil regularly.
  8. Rosehip seed oil - This works well when mixed with the aforementioned frankincense oil. The collaboration between these essential oils has impressive scar fighting capabilities due to the rich essential fatty acids found in the Rosehip. What makes this combo recommendable is that it leaves no greasy residues on the scars after its application.
  9. Olive oil - Olive oil nourishes the skin around the scar. It has nutrients that heal the blemishes and reduce the growth of scar tissues. Through the oil's replenishing properties, the scar eventually fades and brings a new flawless skin tissue.
  10. Medical Procedures - Medical procedures used in getting rid of scars are more intricate and effective compared to natural remedies. They are a sure solution to a person's efforts of making his/her scars less noticeable.
  11. Surgical treatment or removal - According to WebMD, a surgical treatment is used when it involves deeper scars. The procedure may include laser surgery, skin grafts, and dermabrasion. Before trying to fade your scar, it is good to wait a little longer until the tissue heals completely before seeking surgery. Spending for a laser scar removal procedure can be costly, so you have to make sure that every penny is spent well.
  12. Injections - Injections are used for pitted scars that form noticeable holes in the skin. Steroid is injected into the scar area, causing the pit to stick out. Other forms of injections such as those involving collagen are also useful in situations involving pitted scars although they don't provide a lasting solution to the problem.

Want an easier way to reduce the appearance of your scars? Try Selevax Scar Cream. Selevax contains many different natural ingredients that target scars. It also has dimethicone, which is a silicone that is commonly used for scars.


1. Web MD -

2. Dr. Mercola -

3. Cost Freak -

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